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Incident Management System

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Inside Highway Tunnel.png

What is the EXPANSE® Digital Twin Incident Management System (IMS)


The EXPANSE® Digital Twin Incident Management System (IMS) is a structured framework tailored to manage and respond to incidents effectively and efficiently. These incidents can range from IT service disruptions, cybersecurity threats to natural disasters and other emergencies like traffic incidents or fires. The goal of an IMS is to restore normal operations as quickly as possible while minimizing impact on the business and the community.

How does the EXPANSE® Digital Twin Incident Management System (IMS) work

The EXPANSE® Digital Twin Incident Management System (IMS) uses these 7 workflow steps.

  1. Incident Identification and Logging: Recognizing and recording incidents as they occur.

  2. Categorization and Prioritization: Classifying incidents based on their nature and urgency to ensure appropriate response levels.

  3. Incident Response: Mobilizing resources to address and resolve the incident. This often involves predefined processes and procedures.

  4. Communication and Coordination: Ensuring effective communication among team members, stakeholders, and, if necessary, the public

  5. Resolution and Recovery: Implementing solutions to resolve the incident and restore normal operations

  6. Documentation and Reporting: Keeping detailed records of the incident and response efforts for future reference and analysis.

  7. Review and Improvement: Analyzing the incident and response to identify lessons learned and improve future incident management processes

The advantage of the EXPANSE® Digital Twin Incident Management System (IMS)

With the EXPANSE® Digital Twin Incident Management System you be sure your safety is our number one priority. Our cutting edge technology and software goes above an beyond your standard IMS, the Expanse® Digital Twin can simulate real life scenarios through the 3D simulator. This ultimately becomes a training platform for IMS readiness. Creating priority 1 scenarios for your operations team to respond to and learn from

The Expanse® Digital Twin can 3D simulate in real time:

  • incidents

  • incident 3D scenarios

  • simulate through incident workflow

  • populate incident logs

  • incident historian data

  • identify & simulate tunnel fires

  • Incident Management training and readiness

To learn more contact one of our experts on the EXPANSE® Digital Twin twin now !

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